Friday 15 January 2010

Relaxing on the beach and surfing

Hey everyone

Just a quick update from a tiny internet cafe just off the beach.

We are now in Canoa a little beach resort off the pacific coast of Ecuador. It took a while to get here from Quito; an overnight bus ride with reina del camino which should have taken 8 hours but took 6.5 (it was quite scary), a little tuk tuk ride to the bay, a boat ride across the bay at 5.30am and then a taxi ride along a dark coast road. Nothing was open when we arrived so we hung outside the hotel, got some brekky and then got into our rooms at 7am. The weather was actually stormy when we arrived and we spent the day finding our bearings. The hotel we checked into was nice but didn´t really have any atmosphere so we moved down the beach to hostel Bambu. Check out the website and you can see why we love it here.

Canoa is tiny (without even an ATM) and we have been spending our days on the beach, trying surfing (very very hard) or on a body board (much much easier). Sunset tends to find us at the hostel for happy hour cocktails watching the sun go down over the sea. We love it here and it feels like a perfect way to end our time in South America.

Becuase it is so relaxing we have decided to stay here for an extra few days and have no fixed plans except we need to get to Lima for our flights at the end of next week.

Love to everyone in the UK

Nina and Glenn xxx

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see you and all your photos
