Monday 23 November 2009

Hello Chile!

Hey everyone

So we have reached Chile (San Pedro de atacama) and are staying in a nice hostal (double bed, private bathroom) but we are practically in the desert so it is very hot. We are just staying here for a couple of days before we take the 23hr bus ride to Santiago which is leaving on the 24th. Below, we have pasted a link to google maps which should show where we are and where we came from (uyuni).,-71.542969&sspn=66.902547,135.175781&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=San+Pedro+de+Atacama&ll=-22.919883,-68.209896&spn=9.785507,16.896973&z=6

We have spent the last few days on the Salar de uyuni which is basically a massive plain made of salt. It goes on for thousands of miles and the landscape is entirely flat which means the perspective is very odd. We basically had a tour for 3 days of the most interesting sights of the salar - such as the ´tree of rock´ ´fish island´and the salvador dali desert. It is really difficult to describe so we will put up some pictures when we get a chance. It was beautiful, weird and a highlight of the trip.

The accomodation on the trip was basic to say the least! So it is nice to have a comfortable place to sleep. What is cool, is that some people we met in La Paz on the biking trip took a different tour and are now in San Pedro, so we have met up with them for a drink. They are an Irish couple, so obviously we talked about the football match!

The tour we took had 6 people on it - us, a couple of australians, a korean guy and a dutch guy. The Korean guy taught us all the different ways to address each other in Korean, the dutch guy acted as translator for the driver/guide and the australian guy discussed sport with Glenn (for ages!). So it was a cool trip.

We will post again when we reach Santiago, so love to everyone.

Nina and Glenn xxx


  1. Hi Nina and Glenn,

    Your trip sounds amazing! I have never been that interested in South America, but so far you are doing a brillo job at possibly changing my mind, but, shhh...dont tell Derek!
    Keep enjoying yourselves! Look forward to reading all the installments and seeing the pics!
    Amy (Laura's Friend in Oz!)

  2. Is it CHILLY there?


    Laura xxx

    PS it sounds like you are having super fun :)

  3. Hi Nina & Glenn

    By the time you come back you will be superfit with all these energetic pursuits. The bike trip and the trek across the salt plains looked good [didn't know they even existed so we are learning lots about SA].

    Nan and Grandad said to thank you for the card from MP which they received last week.

    Hope that the 23 hour [!!!] bus trip went well and that you were not too squashed this time.

    Looking forward to the next instalment of your blog.

    Love and best wishes from Mum and Dad XXX
