Monday 2 November 2009


Hey everyone - thanks for the comments!

This is a really quick post explaining Macchu Picchu...

Basically, we learnt a bit from our guide yesterday which I will try to summarise (he was very good but a tad longwinded). The capital of the inca (kings) empire amd quechua people was Cusco where I am now. When the Spanish came (1530s maybe) they conquered the incas pretty easily and then went onto colonialise a lot of south america.

There are a lot of inca remains around, including about 30 mins up a steep hill outside of Cusco, which is where we walked this morning. Lots of english people call this place ´sexy woman´(try and say it in the quechua).

The last fighting took place in S and after that the spanish went back to Cusco but no-one ever knew where the last inca went.... BUT in 1911 an explorer called Hiram Bingham went further into the jungle and discovered the remains of a total inca city on a mountain (Macchu picchu = old mountain). We are trekking there tomorrow - 4 days and 3 nights - through pretty hard terrain. Very exciting.

So we will be out of contact for a while but when we get back we will try and upload some photos (I look great in my hat and shorts...).

Nina x


  1. Why thank you! Have fun and please keep updating, we want to know what you are doing and having fun and most of all safe x x x p.s. george asked today where his aunt nina and aunt gwen was today....?

  2. Hi Nina and Glenn,
    Loving the blog, great to hear what you are up to. Happy anniversary & enjoy your birthday Nina (what a way to celebrate eh!). Take Care and look forward to seeing a healthy Glenn (take it easy mate) and a tanned Nina in the pictures!!
    Love Gary and Sam xx

  3. Happy Wedding Anniversary and Happy Birthday Nina! Have some coco biscuits instead of cake :)

    Laura xx

    PS we have eaten so much wedding cake Glenn, yet it keeps going. it is like some magic cake. we love it.

  4. Happy Birthday lovely ... glad you are enjoying it.
    Have you tried chewing the cocoa leaves - they're pretty disgusting but supposed to be good for altitude - they didn't work for me though!

    Take care, love to Glen.

    Clare xx

  5. More update more updates :):
